Salima is only 7 years old, but she fights cancer for a second time: her treatment proceeded during summer of 2020, and ALL relapsed in December. Podari Zhizn raised money to pay for her chemo treatment, and later Salima received bone-marrow transplant. To complete the treatment and defy complications, Salima needs a course of Foscavir – essential anti-bacterial and anti-viral medication.

Here is a video about Salima (in Russian)

Gor has a rare genetic disease - Fanconi anemia.


One of the major hematological complications associated with this disease is bone marrow failure. Gor has been on a search list for a bone-marrow match for 5 years, but still there is no 100% match.

Meanwhile Gor started to feel worse, so in August 2020 doctors at Dima Rogachev medical center suggested to perform hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSTP). Since then Gor is much better, but as many patients who went trough this procedure he needs Foscavir, that with your support we were able to buy.


With your helped we also paid for Cidofovir ($7,045 USD) for Arutyun Ayvasyan, but we are really sorry to tell you, that Arutyun has just passed away.